Stranger Danger, Beyond Victimhood, Job Search and Prep, Time Management

Stranger Danger, Beyond Victimhood, Job Search and Prep, Time Management

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 124

  • Mar 12, 2019 6:00 am
  • 101:00
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Stranger Danger (0:00) Juliana Schroeder, professor of the management of organizations group at the Haas school of business, shares her thoughts on why talking to strangers is more helpful than hurtful. Beyond Victimhood (15:15) Are you ready to leave a painful past behind and move towards a more positive future? Leta Greene shares her own life experiences and how she has been able to move beyond victimhood. Job Search and Prep (51:06) Are you in need of a job? Ken Craig talks about the best ways to search for meaningful employment and how to prepare for that. Time Management (1:21:46) Elizabeth Grace Saunders, a time management coach, walks us through the most effective ways to maximize our time and accomplish what we desire in the time that we’ve got.