Manage Anxiety at Work
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 85 , Segment 2
Trade War, Manage Anxiety at Work, Principles of Intuitive Eating
Episode: Trade War, Manage Anxiety at Work, Principles of Intuitive Eating
- Apr 9, 2018 4:00 pm
- 46:19 mins
Julian Humphreys is an ICF-certified executive and leadership coach, located in Toronto, Canada. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Philosophy of Coaching, a bi-annual, peer-reviewed, open access academic journal serving the coaching community. The feeling of stress at work is like a pot on the stove that begins to boil. Everything is going ok until the water boils too high and everything comes flowing out. How can we better manage stress before we reach our boiling point? Julian Humphreys discusses how we can better manage our work stress and anxiety, instead of just wishing it were not there.