Raising a Challenging Child

Raising a Challenging Child

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 998 , Segment 1

My Child’s Different, Masculinity, Male Allies for Working Women

Episode: My Child’s Different, Masculinity, Male Allies for Working Women

  • Feb 1, 2019 11:00 pm
  • 50:55 mins

Guest: Elaine Halligan, Director, The Parent Practice, Author “My Child’s Different” Elaine Halligan’s son Sam had been kicked out of three schools by the time he was seven. He was angry and impulsive and his parents worried he was on a path straight toward juvenile detention. The story has a happy ending –today Sam is well-adjusted and successful. Getting there was a 14-year roller coaster for the Halligans, who had to learn an entirely new style of parenting to unlock Sam’s potential. In the process, Elaine Halligan actually switched careers from accountant to parenting coach.