What To Do With Terrorists
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 188 , Segment 1
Terrorists, International Religious Freedom. Marxism, Ad-Deir
Episode: Terrorists, International Religious Freedom. Marxism, Ad-Deir
- Dec 2, 2015 10:00 pm
- 26:50 mins
Guest: Tim McCormack, PhD, Professor of Law at Melbourne Law School and Current Special Advisor on International Humanitarian Law to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court in the Hague US Special Operations forces are heading into the fight to target top Islamic State leadership. In wrapping up three days of climate talks in Paris yesterday, President Obama found himself again defending his strategy to oust the terror group from Syria and Iraq. As the fight continues, there will undoubtedly be ISIS combatants captured. But what then? Do we detain them indefinitely at Guantanamo? Do we try them? If so, where and under who’s jurisdiction? These questions have plagued the US – and the rest of the international community - from the start of the self-proclaimed “War on Terror” in 2001.