Ep. 214: Rev. Debra and Dr. Welton Smith. Why should we answer God's call?

Ep. 214: Rev. Debra and Dr. Welton Smith. Why should we answer God's call?

In Good Faith - Season 2024, Episode 38

  • Jun 26, 2024 6:00 am
  • 29:45 mins
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Steven Kapp Perry speaks in-person with the Smiths. They each share how they were called to ministry and answered that call. They describe how to discern the voice of God in our lives, including how He has helped them and their children find a higher purpose. Dr. Welton Smith is the pastor of the Greater Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, and is involved in AIDS Awareness and Men’s Health issues. Reverend Debra Smith focuses on women’s issues and education. Pastor Welton Smith and Reverend Debra Smith have labored together in ministry for over twenty years. Both have served Churches, Conventions, and the U.S. Military as Facilitators, Messengers, and Instructors. They are anointed to teach, preach and heal through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Currently they serve at the Greater Evergreen Missionary Baptist Church in Las Vegas.