Russia and Threats to American Democracy

Russia and Threats to American Democracy

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 728 , Segment 2

Native American Voting Rights, Russia & American Democracy, Media Literacy and Conspiracies

Episode: Native American Voting Rights, Russia & American Democracy, Media Literacy and Conspiracies

  • Jan 18, 2018 4:14 am
  • 19:23 mins

Guest: Lucan Way, PhD, Professor, Political Science, University of Toronto President Trump’s most ardent critics talk about American democracy being in decline and use words like “autocracy” and “authoritarian.” Are they being overly dramatic? Probably. But University of Toronto political scientist Lucan Way says democracy isn’t as clear cut as you might think: there are shades of gray, and the 2016 presidential election showed a lot of gray.