New Drone Rules, London Theater, Retro VR, Therapy Dropouts
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 162
- Oct 21, 2015 6:00 am
- 1:44:13 mins
New Drone Rules (1:04) Guest: Tim McLain, Ph.D., Director of the Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems and Professor of Mechanical Engineering at BYU Federal regulators this week announced plans to create a national registry of recreational drones. The move to make hobby drone-users register their vehicles is fueled by a rise in sightings and "close calls" between drones and airplanes, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. Small, easy-to-fly drones have become hugely popular. This year about 700,000 are expected to be sold in America - that's up more than 60 percent over last year's figures. London Theater (16:42) Guest: Tim Slover, Ph.D., and Jane England of the University of Utah's Department of Theatre Everybody knows when you visit New York, you need to see a play - preferably a big, shiny musical on Broadway. But this next guests says, if theater is your thing, New York is not your best bet. Hop the pond to London, and not just because that's where Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch is onstage doing Hamlet in what one review called "an extravagantly royal affair." Virtual Reality (42:44) Guest: Evan Suma, Ph.D., Virtual Reality Researcher in the Mixed Reality Lab at the USC Institute for Creative Technologies Retro video games like Pac-Man and Donkey Kong are cool again with teenagers. The pixelated graphics are fun in a vintage-chic way that's so, so vastly different from the movie-like, immersive images of today's video games. But you know what the old school and the new school video games all have in common? Hand-held controllers with joysticks and buttons. That's weird, isn't it? That visually, things would have advanced so far, but you're still controlling the game in basically the same way? Maybe not for long, though, if Evan Suma has his way. American Heritage (51:54) Guest: Grant Madsen, Ph.D., BYU History Professor Today’s conversation will cover the complex history and lasting impact of the Vietnam War. Therapy Dropouts (1:17:14) Guest: Partha Krishnamurthy, Ph.D., Professor