Movies We Should Like (But Don't)
Screen Cleaning - Season 3, Episode 36
- Sep 19, 2020 6:00 am
- 56:48 mins
There's more to a movie than its cast and script. Our favorite movies just work, and you can't put a finger on why. Unfortunately, the opposite is true too. Sometime a film will come out with everything going for it; great reviews and great people working on it, but it just didn't click. Those are the oddities we are focusing on today. We really \*should\* like these, but we don't. Sometimes the circumstances around a movie cause this phenomenon and it's not the movie's fault. In that case it deserves a second chance and Jeff and Cole take another look at a couple of those today. A close cousin to movies we should like, are the ones that come out that we want to like. You've got a hundred other shows where we talk about movies we love, here's one where we talk about ones we don't. Only the best (okay today worst) on Screen Cleaning.