S1 E28: Grown Ups and Adult Life

S1 E28: Grown Ups and Adult Life

The Apple Seed - Season 1, Episode 28

  • Sep 23, 2021 6:00 am
  • 56:50
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Welcome to The Apple Seed! Some time filled with stories for you and your family. Since 2013 we’ve been bringing you tall tales, personal tales, fairy tales, historical tales and more. All kinds of tales, from all kinds of tellers. Children always have the most fantastical stories. But, they aren’t the only ones. Adults have their fair share of stories from the past that can make us question if they are real or imaginary! Growing up can be full of ups and downs, and each moment becomes a new story that can be shared later. Remember each moment; you never know when it will become a treasured story for later down the line. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “The Sears Roebuck Baby” by Fran Yardley from The Sears Roebuck Baby (2:11) Radio Family Journal: "Three Dates at Once" by Sam Payne (15:46) The Daily Mix: "My Side of the Mountain" with Richie Steadman (21:37) “The New Car” by Donald Davis from The Time Machine (29:15) “123 Year Old Washboard Player” by David Holt from Live and Kickin' at the National Storytelling Festival (50:30)