Picky Eating Might Be Genetic

Picky Eating Might Be Genetic

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 652 , Segment 3

Supreme Court, Nicotine Regulation, Understand Autism

Episode: Supreme Court, Nicotine Regulation, Understand Autism

  • Oct 3, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 12:22 mins

Guest: Natasha Chong Cole, Doctoral Student, Division of Nutritional Science, University of Illinois If you’re a parent, you’ve probably tried lots of tricks to get your kids to eat vegetables: blending spinach in a shake, bribing kids to finish their peas, threatening no dessert unless all the green stuff is gone. Are picky eaters made – or are they born?  Some of both, probably. University of Illinois researchers have identified some possibilities for picky-eater genes in children.