Visual and Auditory Memory
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 224 , Segment 2
Iowa Caucuses, Sundance Film Festival, Constitution, Volkswagen
Episode: Iowa Caucuses, Sundance Film Festival, Constitution, Volkswagen
- Feb 2, 2016 11:00 pm
- 18:05 mins
Guest: David Somers, PhD, Professor in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Boston University You know when you’re driving down the road and you hear an ambulance siren, but you can’t for the life of you figure out which direction it’s coming from? Only when you get a glimpse of the flashing lights or see other cars down the road pulling over does it become clear where the ambulance is? Well, it turns out that’s because your brain is better at processing some things using sight and other things using sound. And that processing happens in different compartments in the brain.