S1 E41: Bikes, Rides, and Nonsense

S1 E41: Bikes, Rides, and Nonsense

The Apple Seed - Season 1, Episode 41

  • Oct 28, 2021 6:00 am
  • 56:50
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Welcome to The Apple Seed! Some time filled with stories for you and your family. Since 2013 we’ve been bringing you tall tales, personal tales, fairy tales, historical tales and more. All kinds of tales, from all kinds of tellers. As human beings, we all seem to share the ability to get ourselves into just a little bit of nonsense. Whether we're acting silly with our friends, making foolish decisions we didn't think out too well beforehand, or jumping to conclusions, we all participate in nonsense from time to time. No matter how our nonsensical moments may turn out, there is usually a great story to tell afterward. Our stories today are filled with tellers and their characters getting up to all kinds of antics. On today’s episode, enjoy the following: “Bike Story” by Michael Reno Harrell from Tales and Tunes (1:23) Radio Family Journal: "The Sound of Music" by Sam Payne (13:12) The Daily Mix: “Grosspapa” with Bil Lepp (18:07) “The Haunted House” by Laura Pershin Raynor from All Dressed Up (26:20) “The Bully Goat Grimm” by Willy Claflin from Maynard Moose Live at the National Storytelling Festival (37:49) “The Ride” by Joe Herrington from Shalako (48:45)