Emotional Self-Care

Emotional Self-Care

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 592 , Segment 3

Beating Kids at Games, Holiday House Refresh, Emotional Self-Care, Clothes and Confidence, Co-Parenting

Episode: Beating Kids at Games, Holiday House Refresh, Emotional Self-Care, Clothes and Confidence, Co-Parenting

  • Nov 16, 2020 1:52 pm
  • 18:12

We’re heading into the holiday season right now. And while we all love Thanksgiving, and Christmas and celebrating the New Year, the holidays can also be a time of extreme stress. And when you combine that stress with the lack of sunlight as well as isolation due to COVID-19, these next few months can cause serious mental and emotional strain. So, what can we do to take care of our emotional health this holiday season? Here to share her thoughts with us is Tiffany Lovell, a mental health expert.