An Evening With Antonio Sacre

An Evening With Antonio Sacre

The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 1083

  • Oct 1, 2019 6:00 am
  • 56:37 mins
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Every once in awhile, we get to have a favorite storyteller right here in our cozy studio, performing before a live audience. Such was the case when The Apple Seed was paid a visit by Antonio Sacre. The Apple Seed audience will recognize Antonio's terrific, bilingual stories about growing up the son of Cuban and Irish ancestors. In addition to Antonio's stories, you'll hear music from Sam (along with bassist Ian Camp and pianist Anthony Phan), and an introduction to Agatha Christie's Tommy and Tuppence (just a taste of their many adventures together) read for you by Suzanne Christensen, Noah and Leah Kershisnik, and Sam. It's a special live, in-studio episode of the show.