Joshua Tree National Park, Don't Tell Your Kids They're Awesome, Building Confidence, Women in Rock, Memory Tricks, Parenting and Following Your Dreams

Joshua Tree National Park, Don't Tell Your Kids They're Awesome, Building Confidence, Women in Rock, Memory Tricks, Parenting and Following Your Dreams

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 209

  • Jul 9, 2019 6:00 am
  • 101:10
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Joshua Tree National Park (0:00:00) George Land, public information officer at Joshue Tree National Park, discusses the history of the park and gives tips for making the most of your trip. Join Lisa's Adventure Club for a chance to win an Annual Parks Pass here. Don't Tell Your Kids They're Awesome (0:19:21) Child psychologist and author of "Kid Confidence: Help our Child Make Friends, Build Resilience, and Develop Real Self-Esteem" Eileen Kennedy-Moore teaches how to build up your kids without showering them with compliments.  Building Confidence (0:39:39) Chantelle Anderson, confidence coach and former WNBA player, talks about the costs of insecurity and what we can do to develop unfailing confidence. Women In Rock (0:50:33) Musicologist Leah Branstetter tells the stories of several iconic female musicians, and explains her new project Women In Rock. Memory Tricks (1:04:11) Chester Santos, also known as the International Man of Memory, gives tips and tricks for improving your memory. Parenthood and Following Your Dreams (1:23:34) Fran Pitre, mother of three sets of twins and author of the book, "TwinsX3," explains how parents can prioritize their role as parents while still pursuing their dreams.