When Birthmothers Regret the Adoption
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 871 , Segment
US-Iran Relations, Space Junk, Methane
Episode: US-Iran Relations, Space Junk, Methane
- Aug 6, 2018 9:00 pm
- 16:40
Guest: Elissa Madden, PhD, Associate Professor, Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University For many mothers, becoming pregnant is joyful. But for a few, it’s time of struggle. This is especially true of teen mothers who find themselves deciding between keeping the baby and giving it up for adoption. Either answer involves sacrifice and pain. What do we really know about what goes on in the minds of birth mothers in adoption? A new study looks at how birth mothers felt about their decision many years down the road. The results include some surprises.