The Legacy of Martha Hughes Cannon
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 774 , Segment 1
MS-13 Gang and Trump, Martha Hughes Cannon Legacy, Michal Kosinski and Facebook
Episode: MS-13 Gang and Trump, Martha Hughes Cannon Legacy, Michal Kosinski and Facebook
- Mar 22, 2018 11:00 pm
- 19:38 mins
Guest: Janiece Johnson, Historian, Maxwell Institute of Religion, BYU Right now in the US Capitol Building, there’s a statue of Philo T. Farnsworth – the Utah-born inventor of the television. For 40 years he’s been one of Utah’s contributions to the National Statuary Hall Collection, but soon he’ll be replaced by a different statue. The Utah Legislature has decided that Martha Hughes Cannon is a more deserving of the honor. What did she invent that’s better than TV, you ask?