Vacancies in Key Positions Hamper US Government
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1006 , Segment 1
Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music
Episode: Vacancies, Screen Time, Eugenics, Mongolian Music
- Feb 13, 2019 11:00 pm
- 17:46 mins
Guest: Max Stier, President and CEO of the Partnership for Public Service The latest indication from the White House is that President Trump will sign a compromise spending bill, which would avoid another government shutdown at the end of this week. No one in Washington seems eager to go there again. An effective government should never be allowed to shutdown, according to the nonprofit Partnership for Public Service. It’s based in DC, and one of its main areas of focus right now is monitoring key government positions that are currently vacant or filled by temporary appointees. There are a lot. Six in the President’s Cabinet alone.