Parental Leave, Smart is the New Rich, Fathers and Children

Parental Leave, Smart is the New Rich, Fathers and Children

The Matt Townsend Show - Season 4, Episode 108

  • May 26, 2015 6:00 am
  • 2:16:03 mins

Parental Leave (27:49) Dr. Ruth Milkman is a sociologist of labor and labor movements who has written on a variety of topics involving work and organized labor in the United States, past and present. She is currently a Professor of Sociology at the City University of New York Graduate Center and at the Joseph F. Murphy Institute for Worker Education and Labor Studies, where she also serves as Research Director. She recently co-authored a study of California's paid family leave program, focusing on its impact on employers and workers. Her most recent book is Unfinished Business: Paid Family Leave in California and the Future of U.S. Work-Family Policy. Smart is the New Rich (1:07:44) Christine Romans is the author of: "Smart is the New Rich: Money Guide for Millennials". Christine is the anchor of "Early Start" with John Berman weekdays from CNN's Chief Business Correspondent. She is the recipient of a 2004 Emmy for CNN series "Outsourcing America.", Media Excellence Award from Na...