Raising Resilient Kids

Raising Resilient Kids

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 905 , Segment 1

Helping Kids With Their Emotions, Fly Girls

Episode: Helping Kids With Their Emotions, Fly Girls

  • Sep 21, 2018 9:12 pm
  • 51:07 mins

Guests: Matthew Swenson, MD, Psychiatrist; ; Maureen Healy, Emotional Coach, Author, “Growing Happy Kids,” Consultant for “My Mixed Emotions: Help Your Kids Handle Their Feelings” The rate of depression is on the rise among youth in America. More than a quarter of teens say they experience “extreme stress” during the school year, according to a survey by the American Psychological Association. That stress leads them to feel irritable, angry, nervous, anxious, overwhelmed, sad and – in some cases - even suicidal. How can parents help kids feel safe, confident and connected in a world full of fear and anxiety?