![Screen Time and Suicide](https://assets.byub.org/images/d371956a-f564-4a0e-819b-a5e71aa6d1df/720x405.jpg)
Screen Time and Suicide
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 671 , Segment 1
Nathan Pacheco and Spring Cleaning
Episode: Nathan Pacheco and Spring Cleaning
- Mar 8, 2021 1:00 pm
- 19:06 mins
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among ages 10 to 34. With suicide rates still rising, most signs point to social media as the root of the issue. While the new generations have never known a world without it, social media is still vastly new, and more studies are being done to understand the effects it has on the mind. The current longest study to date was conducted by BYU research across a 10-year span. The study tracked mental health and media-use patterns among teenagers across the country. The lead author of the study is Dr. Sara M Coyne, a professor of human development here at BYU. We will be discussing with Dr. Coyne the details of the study, and how we can change the course for the teenagers of these next generations.