How Self-Control Works
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 729 , Segment 4
Medical Marijuana, How Self-Control Works, The Limerick Dictionary, Violinist Hilary Hahn
Episode: Medical Marijuana, How Self-Control Works, The Limerick Dictionary, Violinist Hilary Hahn
- Jan 19, 2018
- 23:17 mins
Guest: Marco Palma, PhD, Associate Professor, Agricultural Economics, and Director, Human Behavior Laboratory, Texas A&M University More than half-way through January . . . how’s the New Year’s diet or exercise plan going? The temptation is to be ambitious in turning a new leaf – “I’ll work out every day for an hour” or “I’ll cut out all sugar and processed foods.” But that may be exactly the wrong approach for building the kind of self-control that can make you successful at your resolution in the long-run.