Making Thanksgiving Manageable

Making Thanksgiving Manageable

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 594 , Segment 2

Everyday Rockstar, Managing Thanksgiving, Embracing Change, Going Cashless, Finding a Life Coach, Black Friday Car Deals

Episode: Everyday Rockstar, Managing Thanksgiving, Embracing Change, Going Cashless, Finding a Life Coach, Black Friday Car Deals

  • Nov 18, 2020 1:05 pm
  • 16:40 mins

Thanksgiving is a great time to join with friends and family to reflect on the past year and celebrate your blessings, your relationships, and good food. However, for some, this time can also be stressful and draining. We have all been at Thanksgiving dinners where politics get brought up and the conversation takes a turn for the worst. Or when distant relatives start asking questions that are far too personal, leaving everyone in the room feeling uncomfortable. So, what can we do to make sure that the only thing heated during dinner is the food in front of us? Joining us today is clinical psychologist, Dr. Amy Daramus, to discuss how we can set healthy boundaries with our family and friends to make sure the focus of your Thanksgiving dinner is gratitude.