Education Could Be Worth A Lot More Than We Thought
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1084 , Segment 5
Farmer, Death Row Religious Freedom, Australian Biodiversity
Episode: Farmer, Death Row Religious Freedom, Australian Biodiversity
- Jun 3, 2019 10:00 pm
- 13:18 mins
Guest: Patrick Krueger, Professor of Health and Behavioral Sciences, University of Colorado Denver Congratulations to all the parents of high school grads who are breathing a sigh of relief. On those rough days when your kid seemed like he or she maybe wasn’t going to get that diploma, did you threaten them? Or talk about how they’d never be able to make a decent living without a high school degree? You could have just told them that their lives depended on it. University of Colorado, Denver demographer Patrick Krueger has found that people with a high school diploma live healthier, longer lives.