Understanding the Confused US Economy
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 577 , Segment 1
A Confused Economy, Asteroid Mining, Toxic Masculinity
Episode: A Confused Economy, Asteroid Mining, Toxic Masculinity
- Jun 20, 2017 11:00 pm
- 21:24 mins
Guest: Brennan Platt, PhD, Associate Professor of Economics, BYU The economy has been a bright spot and a point of pride for the Trump Administration. Unemployment in the US fell to just 4.3 percent in May and is expected to go even lower, which is great news. But the other signs we’d expect to see of a booming economy aren’t quite there. For one, prices aren’t increasing like they should be. And the usual thing the Federal Reserve does to step on the gas and get the economy cranking hasn’t worked. It’s been more like gunning the accelerator when the car’s out of gear—lots of revving, no movement.