Treasures 4 Teachers

Treasures 4 Teachers

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 759 , Segment 2

Social Media likes and Teenagers and Treasure for Teachers

Episode: Social Media likes and Teenagers and Treasure for Teachers

  • Jul 8, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 14:54 mins

The U.S. government estimates that a state should spend approximately $13,000 per student annually. That cost includes teacher salary, building maintenance, books/curriculum, school lunches, and other random materials needed for student success. However, there are many states that only spend about half of that recommended amount on their students... So, if the state isn’t paying for those supplies who is? Well, simply put whoever can. In some states that means the teachers use their personal funds to supply their classrooms. In other states fully equipped classrooms are luxuries that those from wealthier socioeconomic backgrounds can enjoy. Here with us today is one woman who has started a non-profit to help combat the difficulties caused by educational underfunding in Arizona. Barbara Blalock is the founder and executive director for Treasures 4 Teachers, an organization dedicated to providing educators and students with the educational resources they desperately need.