Indigenous People's Religion is Forced to Adapt
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 846 , Segment 4
Supreme Court Changes, Infant Co-Sleeping, Religion In An Age of Intolerance
Episode: Supreme Court Changes, Infant Co-Sleeping, Religion In An Age of Intolerance
- Jul 2, 2018 11:00 pm
- 17:24 mins
Guest: Rosalyn LaPier, PhD, Professor of Environmental Studies, University of Montana In Native American cultures, food isn’t just tradition, it’s often also religion. The corn or rice or prairie turnip that grew wild on the tribe’s homeland is sacred. So what happens when climate change or pollution or government policies threaten those sacred foods? Native Americans in the Pacific Northwest recently won a court case against the state of Washington aimed at preserving their connection to wild salmon, which they revere.