Border Wall Prototypes

Border Wall Prototypes

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 743 , Segment 3

Trump a More Conservative President than Reagan? Border Wall Prototypes, Ending Child Slavery

Episode: Trump a More Conservative President than Reagan? Border Wall Prototypes, Ending Child Slavery

  • Feb 8, 2018
  • 13:50 mins

Guest: Curtis Patterson, Owner, Patterson Engineering Another government shutdown looms this week as Democrats and Republicans squabble over immigration. Democrats want a long-term solution for the recipients of DACA – the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals that will expire in a month. President Trump says any funding for DACA has to come with funding for a wall on the US border with Mexico.  So let’s consider that wall. If the money is ever allocated to build it, we’re starting to get a sense of what it might look like. Eight prototypes have been erected in San Diego and Curtis Patterson, owner of Patterson Engineering, got a look at them.

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