"Because I Come from a Crazy Family: The Making of a Psychiatrist"
Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 845 , Segment 1
The Making of a Psychiatrist, Hiking Culture Panel
Episode: The Making of a Psychiatrist, Hiking Culture Panel
- Jun 29, 2018 11:00 pm
- 50:54 mins
Guest: Edward Hallowell, MD, Psychiatrist, Author of “Because I Come from a Crazy Family: The Making of a Psychiatrist” When Ned Hallowell was 10 years old, he heard a voice out of nowhere, telling him he should “become a shrink.” He says he didn’t take it seriously at the time, but in hindsight it makes perfect sense. Mental illness runs deep in Hallowell’s family, so hearing voices wouldn’t be out of the ordinary, and why wouldn’t he spend his life trying to understand the people closest to him? Today Ned Hallowell is an acclaimed psychiatrist and expert in the field of ADHD. His books include “Driven to Distraction” and most recently a memoir titled, “Because I Come from a Crazy Family: The Making of a Psychiatrist.”