Talking to Your Kids about Pornography

Talking to Your Kids about Pornography

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 849 , Segment 2

Talking About Pornography, Space Archaeology, A Spy In Canaan

Episode: Talking About Pornography, Space Archaeology, A Spy In Canaan

  • Jul 5, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 16:32 mins

(Originally Aired: 2/28/18) Guest: Brian Willoughby, PhD, Professor, Family Life, Brigham Young University When kids used pornography a generation ago, it usually meant racy magazines stashed under a bed. But kids today live their lives on screens, often being fed content that they weren’t even looking for. What can parents do to prepare their children for pornography that pops up during an internet search or the sidebar ads on their favorite sports page?