The Last Great Spy Story of The Cold War

The Last Great Spy Story of The Cold War

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 918 , Segment 1

Best of Enemies

Episode: Best of Enemies

  • Mar 18, 2021 6:00 pm
  • 40:08

In 1978, CIA spy Jack Platt and KGB agent Gennady Vasilenko were new arrivals on the Washington, DC intelligence scene. Both men, already notorious as renegades within their respective agencies, were assigned to seduce the other into betraying his country in the urgent final days of the Cold War, but instead the two become the best of friends. A story chock full of treachery, darkly comic misunderstandings, the Russian Mafia, and an intense friendship that never should have happened. How two espionage cowboys became key behind-the-scenes players in capturing a couple of the 20th century's most notorious spies. Guest: Gus Russo, investigative reporter and co-author, with Eric Dezenhall, of "Best of Enemies: The Last Great Spy Story of the Cold War"