How Sculptors Use Clay and Computers to Create the Cars of the Future

How Sculptors Use Clay and Computers to Create the Cars of the Future

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 1788 , Segment 3

Uncoordinated Conversations, First Ladies Gallery, Car Sculptor

Episode: Uncoordinated Conversations, First Ladies Gallery, Car Sculptor

  • Jun 22, 2022 6:00 am
  • 18:30 mins

In a world of 3D printing and computer-generated everything, it seems unbelievable that the automotive industry would depend on sculptors to design their cars, but they do. Every new car was sculpted in warm clay by an "automotive clay modeler." That’s Matt Mantz’s job. Mantz is a senior design modeler with General Motors. (Segment produced by Krystal Gerber)