A Normal Childhood with Down Syndrome

A Normal Childhood with Down Syndrome

Constant Wonder - Season 7, Episode 1

  • Jan 17, 2024 1:00 pm
  • 51:07 mins
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When his daughter is diagnosed with Down Syndrome, an anthropology professor must test his commitment to the lesson that his field had long taught: that someone is different doesn't mean something is wrong with them. He discovers, though, that even leading social scientists like Margaret Mead and Erik Erikson struggled to accept Down Syndrome as part of a normal life. In this episode of Constant Wonder, he and his family embrace an expanded concept of what a "normal" childhood looks like. Guest: Thomas W. Pearson, professor of Anthropology at University of Wisconsin-Stout and author of "An Ordinary Future: Margaret Mead, the Problem of Disability, and Child Born Different"