![Virtual Reality, and a Writer's Process](https://assets.byub.org/images/fc7d50dc-4c31-4b0d-bfc4-41438bdedbf9/720x405.jpg)
Virtual Reality, and a Writer's Process
Worlds Awaiting - Season 4, Episode 26
- Jul 20, 2019 6:00 am
- 55:18 mins
Virtual Reality (3:54) The way children learn inside the classroom is constantly evolving. We’ve gone from lectures on chalkboards to lessons blended together with online content. Where technology goes, our childrens’ educational experience follows. Today Rachel has on the phone, John Pickavance, a PhD researcher in cognitive science at the University of Leeds. Hogle Zoo (29:33) Recently, we had special visitors from the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City. Rachel got to ask Suzanne Zgraggen and Erica Ferguson what summer programs Hogle zoo provides. Writer's Process (33:59) The path to becoming a writer is not universal. Every author has a unique story on how they became an author, and how they continue to practice their craft. We can find inspiration for our own lives when we listen to their stories. Today Rachel has author Julie Berry in the studio today to share her story. Librarians' Table (46:57) Today we are around the librarians' table with Lindsey Watts and Merideth Zobell, librarians' for Salt Lake City. They are here to share their favorite book reccomendations for young children.