Christmas Gifts
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 254
- Dec 24, 2014 7:00 am
- 55:38 mins
Stories included in this episode: Renee Englot Story 1: Troublemakers Teller: Renee Englot Site: Notes: A tale about gifts given to animals on that first Christmas night. Bob Reiser Story 2: Up Up and Away Teller: Bob Reiser Site: Notes: A childhood plea to Santa that involves Superman. Linda Goodman Story 3: The Radio Teller: Linda Goodman Site: Notes: When it comes to the holiday season, gratitude is the attitude. Dolors Hydock Story 4: Something in There Teller: Dolores Hydock Site: Notes: Finding new meaning in holiday traditions that have lost their magic as a man grows older. Susan Klein Story 5: The Night Before Christmas Teller: Susan Klein Site: Note:A reading of the classic Christmas poem by Clement C. Moore.