Pumpkin Passion

Pumpkin Passion

The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 723 , Segment 4

What's Ruining Your Free Time and Social Media Comparison

Episode: What's Ruining Your Free Time and Social Media Comparison

  • May 17, 2021 12:00 pm
  • 14:13

How many of us say we would like to get a hobby but are waiting until we get more free time to get started? With only 24-hours in a day, many tend to ignore their hobbies and passions as they grind away at life. But this can lead to more burnout at work. And according to a recent Forbes study, nearly 52% of all workers are experiencing burnout in 2021.We know hobbies play a big role in enhancing life satisfaction, but is it possible to have both a day job and a side hobby? Do hobbies and career aspirations have to be mutually exclusive? Here with us today is one man who has found a way to pursue both his career and his passion in giant pumpkin growing. Jamie Johnson is the owner of Pixo Web Design and Strategy by day, but a giant pumpkin grower by night.