Jack Tales
The Apple Seed - Season 2013, Episode 20
- Sep 9, 2013 6:00 am
- 58:21 mins
Stories featured in this episode: Liz Weir Story 1: Jack and the Magic Horse Teller: Liz Weir Website: www.lizweir.net Notes: Jack raises a sickly horse that later repays him for his kindness. Octavia Sexton Story 2: How Jack Got to America Teller: Octavia Sexton Website: www.octaviasexton.com Notes: An Appalachian jack tale about growing up and the value of work. Ed Stivender Story 3: Jack and the Magic Boat Teller: Ed Stivender Website: www.edstivender.com Notes: Jack goes in search of a missing princess. im Lowry Story 4: Soldier Jack Teller: Tim Lowry Website: www.storytellertimlowry.com Notes: Jack is gifted a magical sack that leads him on a wild adventure.