Publish or Perish: Even Harder for Women

Publish or Perish: Even Harder for Women

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 773 , Segment 2

The Facebook Breach, Stephen Hawking's Legacy, Where Smartphones Go When They Die

Episode: The Facebook Breach, Stephen Hawking's Legacy, Where Smartphones Go When They Die

  • Mar 21, 2018 11:00 pm
  • 17:06 mins

Guest: Ione Fine, PhD, Professor of Psychology, University of Washington In the academic world, the way to get promoted is to publish your research in prestigious journals like Nature or The Lancet. But women don’t seem to get a fair shake in this system. University of Washington neuroscientist Ione Fine looked at the gender of the key researchers on thousands of articles published over the last decade in the top neuroscience journals.