Staying Safe on the Internet - Your Life Online, Part 3

Staying Safe on the Internet - Your Life Online, Part 3

The Lisa Show - Season 2023, Episode 15

  • May 30, 2023 12:00 pm
  • 35:37 mins
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When you think about your kids using the internet, what do you think about? Is it the many uplifting and educational opportunities that exist online? Or is the first thing that comes to mine one of the many dangerous and threatening corners of the internet that you hope your kids never find? As parents and internet-users in general, safety is always a concern. We don't want to slip up and give sensitive information to a scammer or stalker. But what about our emotional safety? How can we protect our mental health while also protecting our passwords? In this episode of The Lisa Show's series on Your Life Online Lisa talks to Ricardo Rosas, data privacy expert Trent Ray, and mental health education Natasha Devon to find out.