S6 E5: Lost Time - Stories by Motoko and Andy Offutt Irwin
The Apple Seed - Season 6, Episode 5
- Mar 28, 2024 6:00 am
- 28:57
Join us as Motoko and Andy Offutt Irwin, from live recordings in the Apple Seed Studio, tell stories about time. Whether it literally goes missing, or it just moves too fast, stories help us rewind and remember because we always want more time. (1:05) "Urashima the Fisherman" - Motoko tells a story based on a popular Japanese folktale, a fisherman is given a gift, but did not understand what the cost would be. (18:19) Sam shares a reflection on the passing of time and how it can play tricks on us. If we could, what would we say to ourselves at different moments in our lives? (23:03) "The Light Went Away" - Andy Offutt Irwin tells a story and lullaby sparked from a kindergartener's idea about nighttime. Time might slip through our fingers, but the moments become memories, stories just waiting to be shared (or sung). Great stories can change your world. What stories and memories were sparked for you and who will you share them with? Hosted by storyteller Sam Payne. A production of BYUradio.