Ep. 1: The Family Rules! Team: Meet Natalie & Yahosh

Ep. 1: The Family Rules! Team: Meet Natalie & Yahosh

Family Rules! The Podcast - Season 1, Episode 1

  • Mar 26, 2021 6:00 am
  • 32:44
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They travel the country to introduce you to families of all kinds...and now we get to meet theirs! Brooke invites her "Family Rules" television co-hosts, Yahosh Bonner and Natalie Riskas, to share the rules and routines they put into practice at home for smoother, stronger family connections. Episode credits: Producers: Jim Bell, Brooke Walker, Sarah Collins Lead Audio Engineers: Clarke Jackman, Dan Carlisle, Marcus Richardson Audio Mixers: Andrew Brewer, Camille Jones, Chance Anderson, Dan Ekberg, Kyra Vanhoven, Laken Quigley, Parker Schmidt, Caleb Rhoton, Tyler Judkins, Zach Williams Extra technical assistance: Sam Sabin