S2 E10: A Faithful Dance - Stories by Geraldine Buckley and Sam Payne

S2 E10: A Faithful Dance - Stories by Geraldine Buckley and Sam Payne

The Apple Seed - Season 2, Episode 10

  • Apr 14, 2022 6:00 am
  • 52:50
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In the days leading up to Easter, our thoughts have turned towards matters of faith. And in the storytelling community, the way that we express our thoughts about faith is the same as the way we express our thoughts about other aspects of our lives: through stories. (3:19) Storyteller Geraldine Buckley shares a story about Connie, a woman with an extraordinary power to move people with her dancing in "Connie Dances," recorded live in the Apple Seed Studio. (20:42) Host Sam Payne shares a story and a song inspired by a time when he thought he had nearly killed all the plants in his yard in "Easter Ivy," today's entry in The Radio Family Journal. (32:36) We chat with our friend Steven Kapp Perry from the fellow BYUradio show In Good Faith about the power of listening to the faith stories of other people. (43:16) Our producer Brian Tanner shares a story about stepping outside his comfort zone for a cowboy-inspired musical number at his grandpa’s funeral.