Recycling Myths, Wedding Photography, Summer Books, Mental Health, Side Cash, Shaping Up
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 186
- Jun 6, 2019 6:00 am
- 101:17
Recycling Myths (00:00) It’s 2019, and we still have questions about recycling. Will it save the planet or is it lulling us into a false sense of complacency? And, are we even doing it right? Kathryn Kellogg is the founder of Going Zero Waste and author of “101 Ways to Go Zero Waste.” She’s also the spokesperson for National Geographic on plastic-free living. She joins us to talk about recycling myths. Wedding Photography Tips (17:35) When it comes to making decisions about wedding pictures, things are a lot more complicated than they were 20 years ago. It’s not just about choosing a photographer for the big day anymore, you have to decide if you want to do an engagement shoot, take bridals, do a first look video, and on and on. When did it all get so complicated? Justin Hackworth is a nationally recognized photographer, and he’s back with us today to give us practical tips for our wedding photos and to discuss the current trends. Mini Book Club: How to Incorporate Books Into Your Summer Plans (40:42) Books can spice up any of your summer activities. Reading doesn't mean you have to sit in your bedroom by yourself with your nose in the pages. Children's literature expert and Empress of Education, Rachel Wadham, is here to tell us how to incorporate books into all our summer activities. Rachel is the Education and Juvenile Literature Librarian at the BYU Library. Mental Health for Parents and Kids (50:39) Sometimes it seems like feeling stressed and overwhelmed is just part of being a parent. But with everything going on in our lives, is it possible to miss warning signs of mental health crises in our kids? Here to discuss how to keep good watch over our own and our children’s mental health is Dr. Mark Goulston, co-creator of the suicide prevention documentary Stay Alive and former UCLA psychiatry professor. Making Extra Cash On The Side (1:08:27) Everyone could use a little extra cash to pay bills, pay off debt, or go on a needed vacation. It’s not always easy to find ways to make that extra cash thou