Preserving home movies, TV shows worth watching over and over, trends in animation and young adult fiction
The Lisa Show - Season 1, Episode 31
- Oct 26, 2018 6:00 am
- 1:40:04 mins
Important conversations and encouraging words to help you make every day a great one. HOME MOVIE DAY (00:00) There’s no shortage of organizations trying to preserve history, but possibly the most important artifacts are in your basement or attic. Rod Gustafson, our producer and official photographer of the Gustafson family is with us to talk about a world wide celebration of Home Movies and also help us know what we should be doing with our movie memories. HALLOWEEN: PARENT EDITION and TV SHOWS WORTH WATCHING AGAIN (16:49) Kacy Faulconer comes to visit with a great list of fav TV shows that you may want to see again... and again... and again... ANIMATION GENIUS! (50:15) Founder of the acclaimed animation program at Brigham Young University and professional animator, Professor Kelly Loosli talks about how animation has changed over the years and the role it plays in the film world. THE YOUNG ADULT FEMALE PROTAGONIST (1:06:44) Literature is constantly evolving, especially in the area of young adult fiction. We dig into the trends of the young adult female as a protagonist with English Lit Professor Kelly Roberts and best selling author Kathryn Purdie (Burning Glass).