Social Smoking in College

Social Smoking in College

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 56 , Segment 6

Disease, Invisibility, Social Smoking, Aspirin Misuse

Episode: Disease, Invisibility, Social Smoking, Aspirin Misuse

  • May 5, 2015 9:00 pm
  • 23:29:38 mins

Guest: Mimi Nichter, professor of sociology at the University of Arizona. She's the author of Lighting Up: The Rise of Social Smoking on College Campuses, now available on Amazon and other booksellers Smoking has fallen out of style among adults since the haze-filled restaurant and board-room days of the 1960s. Seeing all those stylish Mad Men characters light one cigarette from the tip of the last seems almost quaint. But as adult smoking has dropped significantly in the last 40 years, young adults have risen to the top of the pack, smoking more than any other age group. They're lighting up, even as more and more college campuses go "smoke-free" and many college students themselves think smoking is "disgusting." University of Arizona sociologist Mimi Nichter gets to the bottom of this disconnect in a new book called "Lighting Up: The Rise of Social Smoking on College Campuses."