American Cuisine

American Cuisine

Constant Wonder - Season 2022, Episode 340 , Segment 1

American Cuisine, Martin Luther King, Jr.

Episode: American Cuisine, Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Jan 15, 2020 7:00 pm
  • 1:14:53 mins

A Global History of Mexico's Most Popular Food Guest: Jeffery Pilcher, Professor, History and Food Studies, University of Toronto, and author, "Planet Taco: A Global History of Mexican Food" A crunchy U-shaped shell, greasy ground beef, iceberg lettuce, and tomaoes. The Americanized taco has been a staple in our fast food cuisine for decades. But how did this crunchy comfort food come to be? The Perfect Pizza Guest: Peter Reinhart, author of 11 books on baking and pizza What is the greatest pizza? Peter Reinhart has dedicated 10 years of travel, study, and taste-testing to answer that question. The Burger Belt Guest: Goerge Motz, author, "Hamburger America: A State-By-State Guide to 200 Great Burger Joints" Hamburgers are a beloved American staple, and regional diversity in the styles and flavors add surprising variety in burger styles accross the nation.  Ike Jime: The Delicious Way to Kill Fish Guest: Andrew Tsui, President, Ike Jime Federation The Ike Jime method, the most humane way to kill a fish, also creates a product that can age to perfection. Martin Luther King, Jr. Guest: Clayborne Carson, Martin Luther King, Jr. Centennial Professor, American History, and Director, Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute, Stanford University Martin Luther King, Jr., was the most influential American civil rights leader of the 20th century. We dive into his early years before he became a minister or activist. Professor Carson calls him "almost an accidental civil rights leader," but he was always bound to help the poor.