Library on Wheels
Worlds Awaiting - Season 3, Episode 19 , Segment 1
Forgotten Hero, Connected Learning
Episode: Forgotten Hero, Connected Learning
- May 28, 2018 5:30 pm
- 11:28 mins
Unsung heroes – there are many. People who do something significant, ground-breaking, history making – but little is known about them or their deeds. Our first guest on Worlds Awaiting, Sharlee Glenn, is singing the praises of one such forgotten hero. Sharlee tells of her experience discovering Mary Lemist Titcomb, inventor of the Book Mobile. Mary’s desire to get books into the hands of people far from cities, led to her pioneering efforts with her “Book Wagon.” Her philosophy? ‘If the people won’t come to the books – let’s take the books to the people.’ Sharlee Glenn has written for adults in a variety of publications. Her primary focus, though, is writing for children. Her picture books include Library on Wheels: Mary Lemist Titcomb and America’s First Bookmobile; Keeping up with Roo – winner of the Dolly Gray Children’s Literature Award; and Just What Mama Needs – featured on the EMMY award-winning PBS children's show Between the Lions. Her first middle-grade novel, Beyond the Green, will be released by Charlesbridge in the Fall of 2018. Dr. Mimi Ito