The Rise of The Makers, The Royal Navy Squadron that Ended the African Slave Trade

The Rise of The Makers, The Royal Navy Squadron that Ended the African Slave Trade

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 725

  • Jan 12, 2018 7:00 am
  • 1:42:21 mins
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What’s a Makerspace? Guests: Nathan Robison, Programming Librarian, Orem Public Library; Matt Kammerer, Media Associate, Orem Public Library In libraries and schools and warehouses around the country, spaces are popping up where people can come and use 3-D printers, high-end computer software and lots of gadgets to make stuff. Back when I was in high school, we had a sewing lab and a wood shop that attracted students with an itch to create. Today’s “makerspaces,” as they’re called, are similar, but usually more high-tech. A little later this hour, we’ll meet the man who coined the term “makerspace” and started Make Magazine more than a decade ago. How the Maker Movement Was Born Guest: Dale Dougherty, Founder, CEO, Make Magazine and Maker Faire, Author, “Free to Make: How the Maker Movement is Changing Our Schools, Our Jobs and Our Minds” Makerspaces like the one we just visited at the Orem Public Library are in libraries and schools around the country today. A decade ago, that was not so.  But, tech journalist Dale Dougherty saw it coming and was the first to call it “making.” He started Make Magazine: the latest issue has instructions on how to build a retro arcade game or hack apart a piano to build a new instrument. Check out the Magazine here.   What’s the Point of a Maker Faire? Guest: Jenn Blum, Co-founder, Salt Lake City Maker Faire As Dale Dougherty mentioned, there were 225 maker faires in 48 countries last year. One of them was in Salt Lake City and Jenn Blum co-founded it.  Maker Faires across the country are accepting applications right now. Click here to get your make on.  If you are in Salt Lake City area, click here.  The Royal Navy Squadron that Ended the African Slave Trade Guest: John Broich, PhD, Associate Professor of British Empire History, Case Western Reserve University, Author, “Squadron: Ending the African Slave Trade” Many years after the U.S. and England banned the transport of enslaved people across the Atlantic, and America tore itself to pieces in civil war to end slav

Episode Segments

The Royal Navy Squadron that Ended the African Slave Trade

Jan 12, 2018
51 m

Guest: John Broich, PhD, Associate Professor of British Empire History, Case Western Reserve University, Author, “Squadron: Ending the African Slave Trade” Many years after the U.S. and England banned the transport of enslaved people across the Atlantic, and America tore itself to pieces in civil war to end slavery, an active slave trade was still going on in the Indian Ocean on the other side of Africa. But that was so far away it was essentially “out of sight, out of mind” for Americans and many British, too. Those who did know of it couldn’t agree on what to do about it. Some hoped it would peter out naturally. Others, including a Royal Navy commodore named Leopold Heath, believed England had a duty to use all of its military might to end the trade of kidnapped Africans as slaves. So, he assembled a squadron of ship captains and they took it upon themselves.

Guest: John Broich, PhD, Associate Professor of British Empire History, Case Western Reserve University, Author, “Squadron: Ending the African Slave Trade” Many years after the U.S. and England banned the transport of enslaved people across the Atlantic, and America tore itself to pieces in civil war to end slavery, an active slave trade was still going on in the Indian Ocean on the other side of Africa. But that was so far away it was essentially “out of sight, out of mind” for Americans and many British, too. Those who did know of it couldn’t agree on what to do about it. Some hoped it would peter out naturally. Others, including a Royal Navy commodore named Leopold Heath, believed England had a duty to use all of its military might to end the trade of kidnapped Africans as slaves. So, he assembled a squadron of ship captains and they took it upon themselves.