Interview Techniques

Interview Techniques

Top of Mind with Julie Rose - Season 1, Episode 553 , Segment 3

Global Computer Hack, Successful Job Interviews, Child Abuse

Episode: Global Computer Hack, Successful Job Interviews, Child Abuse

  • May 15, 2017 11:00 pm
  • 18:13 mins

Guest: Martin Yate, Career Performance Coach, Author of “Knock em’ Dead” The US unemployment rate is now lower than it was during the recession in 2007. That’s great news for job seekers, since it means fewer people competing for positions. But there are still seven million Americans looking for work. If you’re one of them – or if there’s a job change in your future – here’s some advice on how to ace the most nerve-wracking part of the search: the job interview. Click here for more information.