Coping With Adversity
The Matt Townsend Show - Season 7, Episode 109 , Segment 3
Is Rudy Helping, Learning and Overconfidence, Coping With Adversity
Episode: Is Rudy Helping, Learning and Overconfidence, Coping With Adversity
- May 7, 2018 4:00 pm
- 29:58 mins
Kim Giles, President, and founder of Clarity Point Life Coaching. Named one of the top 20 advice gurus in the country by Good Morning America in 2010. Writes a regular column on every Monday in the Happy Living Section. Kim Giles is the author of the Book Choosing Clarity: A Path to Fearlessness. Kim and Executive Life Coach Nicole Cunningham discuss 12 types of people in the world and the science of Psychological Inclinations. Today Kim and Dr. Matt talk about different ways to cope with adversity.